Why Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has a population of more than 102 million people, with 45% of the population living in urban areas.(1) The country has arable land, immense biodiversity, and many natural resources that contribute to wealth production.(2) The DRC was ranked the third fastest growing economy in the continent of Africa.(3) 

However, according to the World Bank,(4) “Most people in DRC have not benefited from this wealth. A long history of conflict, political upheaval and instability, and authoritarian rule have led to a grave, ongoing humanitarian crisis. DRC is among the five poorest nations in the world.”

DRC families and children face significant challenges to health, safety, and education, especially as climate disasters worsen and exacerbate existing challenges. Millions of children have been orphaned and are left to fend for themselves, experiencing violence, hunger and abuse. According to the United Nations, violence against children has increased in 2023 as ethnic conflicts in Eastern Congo continue to 

However, the struggling children and families of the DRC want to have a better life. Parents want a chance to provide for and protect their children. Children want education, safety, and the opportunity to thrive. 

Interventions such as housing, training programs, therapy, and nutrition have demonstrated success. These interventions support children to have hope, heal from their traumatic experience, and learn skills that can help them obtain jobs that will sustain them as adults. 

Liliane has an extensive network of family and relatives in DRCongo, and as it is her home country, she is family with the cultures, languages, and needs of the community. Combining her personal experience with the professional training and experience she has developed in the US, Liliane is uniquely positioned to lead the development of this project in DRCongo. 


  1. https://population.un.org/wpp/
  2. https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/drc/overview#:~:text=These%20features%20have%20not%20changed,in%20SSA%20lives%20in%20DRC. 
  3. https://www.state.gov/reports/2023-investment-climate-statements/democratic-republic-of-the-congo/
  4. https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/drc/overview#:~:text=These%20features%20have%20not%20changed,in%20SSA%20lives%20in%20DRC.